BILD hat mir gestattet, die Weihnachtszeit mit einer kleinen Serie zu begleiten, um daran zu erinnern, dass es in dieser Zeit um mehr geht als Klingglöckchenklingelingeling. Leider sind nicht alle Folgen online abrufbar. Aber ein paar.
Die letzte Folge ist am 24-ten erschienen, hier ein Screenshot aus der gedruckten Ausgabe. Der 24te ist, was wenige wissen, interessanterweise ja noch ein reiner Fasten- und Vorbereitungstag für das Fest, das erst in der Nacht zum 25-ten beginnt und zugleich der Gedenktag von Adam und Eva. Warum das so ist, darüber haben sich schon viele kluge Menschen den Kopf zerbrochen. Hier ein kurzer Podcast zu dem Thema von Radio Horeb. Morgen (27-ter) gedenken wir dem Apostel Johannes und übermorgen (28t-ter) ist der Tag der Unschuldigen Kinder ... so folgt ein wichtiger Feier- und Gedenktag nach dem anderen bis zum Sonntag nach Heilige Drei Könige.
Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2019
Samstag, 14. Dezember 2019
#BorisJohnson The Irresistible Rise
Es ist ein Riesenvorteil, unterschätzt zu werden.
Um dem Phänomen Boris Johnson auf die Spur zu kommen,
empfehle ich diesen Dokumentarfilm von Michael Cockerell.
Und als Begleitlektüre, das, was ich gestern auf geschrieben habe.
Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019
Ziemlich geflasht #TristesseRoyale
Neulich wurde irgendwo, ich glaube es war im Feuilleton der ZEIT oder der F.A.Z., die Frage erörtert, ob Literaten heute beim Verfassen ihrer Werke noch den Ewigkeitswert ihrer Bücher im Blick haben. Anlass war die Tatsache, dass das Literaturarchiv in Marburg schon zu Lebzeiten Dokumente, Manuskripte und Krimskrams (darunter diverse Flugtickets und Restaurantbelege) von Christian Kracht erworben hat.
Christian Kracht, das ist inzwischen völlig unstrittig, gilt inzwischen als einer der wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Schriftsteller überhaupt. Dass aber – vielleicht in seinem Windschatten – auch der Gesprächsband "Tristesse Royale" mittlerweile zum Kanon der jüngeren deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur gehört, wird nicht nur dadurch belegt, dass es inzwischen einen ganzen Stapel von Sekundärliteratur über das Buch gibt, sondern auch dadurch, dass es 20 Jahre nach seinem Erscheinen immer noch für hitzige Diskussionen und Spekulationen sorgt, ja sogar, dass die Empörung, die uns (Bessing, Kracht, Stuckrad & moi) bei seiner Veröffentlichung entgegen schlug, immer noch lebendig ist.
Jüngstes Beispiel: Der Popkultur-Podcast "Das war vor Jahren" hat sich, anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums, dem Thema "Tristesse Royale" angenommen. Sich anzuhören, wie zwei Popkultur-Nerds zwei Stunden über "Tristesse Royale" sprechen ist nur etwas für absolute Hardcore-Fans, auch weil man wenig über den Inhalt des Buches, dafür umso mehr über die Befindlichkeiten der Nerds erfährt, was wiederum beweist, dass sich der Gesprächsband – und wir, die Protagonisten – hervorragend als Projektionsfläche eignen, was natürlich ein wirklich guter Indikator für den Ewigkeitswert dieses Buches ist, das wir damals tatsächlich "nur für den Moment" rausgehauen haben, fest davon ausgehend, dass sich kein Schwein je dafür interessieren wird. Hier der Link zum Podcast.
Die Tweed-Jacke, die ich (rechts auf dem Bild) trage, Mitte der 90-er Jahre des vergangenen Jahrtausends in einem Second-Hand-Shop in London erworben, gehört übrigens immer noch zum festen Bestandteil meiner Garderobe. Auch sie besitzt somit Ewigkeitswert.
Freitag, 22. November 2019
Andrew. The other side of the coin
Andrew took the fall. It is time to look at the matter from a different perspective.
Andrew was never accused of any criminal conduct. The controversy was about a friendship. One uncouth friendship, surely, but a friendship nonetheless. Many eminent figures were part of Epstein's circles. A certain Bill Clinton praised Epstein loudly for his philanthropic work. Did Clinton know about Epstein's special leaning? He certainly did, he even openly joked about it, calling Epstein's private jet "Lolita Express", while continuing to mingle with him and use his jets for his convenience...
Another thing to keep in mind: Royals are often surrounded by shady figures. People with recently acquired wealth – this is the usual procedure in Anglo-Saxon countries – do their best to donate money to the "right" causes and charities, preferably those with royal patrons, to buy their way into higher echelons of society and gain prestige. Countless hospitals, operas and charities owe their existence to this system. Do the royals enjoy these forced-upon acquaintances? Hardly. They endure them out of duty.
Clearly though, Prince Andrew associated with Epstein in a manner "not becoming" for a prince of the realms. Epstein was a monster. People turned a blind eye. This is shameful. He took advantage of young girls' financial needs (and wants) to turn them into sex-slaves. But: Do you remember the scene in the gospel where Jesus saves Magdalene from being stoned to death? The crucial line is: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!" Britain (and Germany) are the most important markets for porn-sites such as Youporn. How many of the women there take part in porn-productions out of their free will? How many are taken advantage of in a manner not that different from how Epstein coerced his women? Does anyone who watches these clips spend a second thinking about the predicament of these women? It is quite right to furious about men like Epstein. However, one should check one's browser history before casting stones.
The bright side of it all? This whole solid affair gives the Prince of Wales the opportunity to tighten his reigns, this is at least the take-away from all this by Peter Hunt, the long-time royal correspondent of the BBC. You can read his take here in a piece for the Speccie.
Andrew was never accused of any criminal conduct. The controversy was about a friendship. One uncouth friendship, surely, but a friendship nonetheless. Many eminent figures were part of Epstein's circles. A certain Bill Clinton praised Epstein loudly for his philanthropic work. Did Clinton know about Epstein's special leaning? He certainly did, he even openly joked about it, calling Epstein's private jet "Lolita Express", while continuing to mingle with him and use his jets for his convenience...
Another thing to keep in mind: Royals are often surrounded by shady figures. People with recently acquired wealth – this is the usual procedure in Anglo-Saxon countries – do their best to donate money to the "right" causes and charities, preferably those with royal patrons, to buy their way into higher echelons of society and gain prestige. Countless hospitals, operas and charities owe their existence to this system. Do the royals enjoy these forced-upon acquaintances? Hardly. They endure them out of duty.
Clearly though, Prince Andrew associated with Epstein in a manner "not becoming" for a prince of the realms. Epstein was a monster. People turned a blind eye. This is shameful. He took advantage of young girls' financial needs (and wants) to turn them into sex-slaves. But: Do you remember the scene in the gospel where Jesus saves Magdalene from being stoned to death? The crucial line is: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!" Britain (and Germany) are the most important markets for porn-sites such as Youporn. How many of the women there take part in porn-productions out of their free will? How many are taken advantage of in a manner not that different from how Epstein coerced his women? Does anyone who watches these clips spend a second thinking about the predicament of these women? It is quite right to furious about men like Epstein. However, one should check one's browser history before casting stones.
The bright side of it all? This whole solid affair gives the Prince of Wales the opportunity to tighten his reigns, this is at least the take-away from all this by Peter Hunt, the long-time royal correspondent of the BBC. You can read his take here in a piece for the Speccie.
Freitag, 1. November 2019
Mittel und Titel
Es hat diverse kaiserliche und königliche Hoheiten gegeben, die sich für ein Leben jenseits höfischer Konventionen entschieden haben. Ein prominentes Beispiel ist der in Berlin-Kreuzberg ruhende Leopold von Österreich (alias Leopold Wölfling). Googelt ihn, um seine Geschichte zu erfahren! Werden Meghan und Harry einen ähnlichen Weg gehen? Hier ein paar Gedanken dazu. Sie würden, im Gegensatz zum armen Leopold, dann zwar ohne Titel, aber sicher nicht ohne Mittel auskommen müssen.
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Das Grab des Erzherzogs in Berlin-Kreuzberg |
Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019
Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2019
Welcome to Hell!
"Congratulations! And welcome to hell!" Unter dieser Überschrift fasst Conservative Home (die erste Adresse, wenn man Einsichten in die Tory-Party gewinnen will!) die Herausforderungen von Boris Johnson zusammen. Die Kommentare in den deutschen Medien zum 14. Premierminister in der Regentschaft von ERII sind fad – die meisten lassen sich von Boris' Clown-Maske täuschen.
Einzig Ulf Poschardts in der Welt ist lesenswert (leider hinter einer Bezahlschranke).
Mein Beitrag für BILD ist gratis.
Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2019
Wir müssen bei Adam und Eva anfangen
Die ZEIT-Beilage Christ & Welt hat mir erlaubt, über ein paar Ausgaben hinweg ein Bild auszusuchen und dazu einen Satz, der mir einfällt, zu Papier zu bringen. Das hier war mein Auftakt.
Dienstag, 16. April 2019
Montag, 25. März 2019
Listen in
Joachim Scholl hat mich als seinen 350. Gast in seine Radiosendung "Zwischentöne" eingeladen. Ich durfte mir auch die Musik auswählen. Eine bunte Mischung von Lady Gaga bis Gustav Mahler.
Hier kann man reinhören.
Hier kann man reinhören.
Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2019
Dear #Eurocrats, show some respect!
Here is something that needed to be said.
Der Link zu meinem Op-Ed zum #Brexit in der heutigen BILD ist hier.
And here is the English translation (By Henry Donovan):
Let's open our arms wide now!
By Alexander von Schoenburg
In the wake of the blatant anti-British resentments that can be heard all around Germany, when politicians and journalists alike demand Frau Merkel to stay „hard“ towards the British, it seems like we want to say: „You have never belonged to Europe, mind your own business!“
Yet, that is truly irresponsible.
Great Britain is clearly no country that one could afford to send it on its way, simply because one does not agree with its idea of sovereignty. For historic reasons, especially Germany should tread lighter when it comes to dealing with this proud nation. It was Great Britain, led by Winston Churchill (1874-1965), that was the first to stand up to Hitler, when Germany had just started World War Two. And it was Great Britain, that opened its harbours and doors to Jewish refugees, fleeing certain death during the Holocaust. There would be no free Europe without Great Britain, that sacrificed its sons purely for the freedom of our continent.
Yet there has been a long tradition in mainland Europe to seclude he British Isles from the continent – France’s Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) dreamt of creating the European Economic Community, the forerunner of the EU, as a kind of modern version of the Carolingian empire under Charlemagne (742-814) – WITHOUT Great Britain! By 1963 London wished to join the European club, yet it took ten years until Great Britain was accepted – due to de Gaulle’s resistance. The main figure opposing France’s neo-Carolingian dream was indeed German chancellor Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967).
Where can we find a statesman such as Adenauer today?
Someone who will stand up to the bizarre bureaucratic machine of Brussels and present a historic vision? Someone who could keep the Junckers and Barniers at bay and remind us of our bloody bounden duty and would enable Great Britain to leave the EU, without punishing it? A man or a woman who would remind us of the historic vision of the EU: to be a federation of states and NOT a kind of Super-State - a confederation, that does not act in neglect of the historic peculiarities of its member states.
In fact, all of this shouldn’t be too much to ask for. Even the staunchest Brexiteers, such as Boris Johnson, seem to have realized that leaving the EU would mean to stay in some kind of trade union with the strong economic zone the continent represents. You can't have the the cake and eat it here. If we would only take a step back and give in to London on a smallest of adjustments, we would take the wind out of the Brexiteers sails and enable a stable relationship with the British. Adorno said the British are to the Germans what style is to substance. Well, for the Brits it's now all about decorum and losing face (i.e. style) so the EU should concede a bit at this historic moment and let them exist with their heads up high.
What the Germans and especially the EU-bureaucrats simply don’t seem to get, is why London is so keen on preventing the so-called Backstop plan for Northern Ireland. Germans do not know about the sacrifice British soldiers and especially the Norther Irish made for Great Britain. More people were killed by the IRA, than have by ISIS and Al Qaida combined. Maybe that will help us rethink our position on the „Irish question“.
In all honesty, if we continue making the proud British people look like clowns, as we currently are, we are on the path of neglecting in total the historic ties we have to our actual brothers and sisters. It is time as a German leader for Frau Merkel to rise up to the occasion and start treating Great Britain as it’s supposed to be treated: with respect and gratitude.
Instead of torturing the world’s oldest democracy with unacceptable demands, Frau Merkel and Monsieur Jean-Claude Juncker should try and honour the proud nation Great Britain is and start talks, renegotiating eye to eye – instead of celebrating having found a weak negotiation partner in Theresa May and her seemingly even weaker cabinet of dodgers. In this victory Frau Merkel seems to have forgotten the historic burden Germany has towards Europe and especially towards the British. De Gaulle would applaud these Anti-British actions – Adenauer would turn around in his grave in disgrace.
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